$2000 Referral Bonus
How It Works
Earn $500 when referred driver hauls first load.
Earn another $500 when referred driver stays 6 months.
Earn additional $1000 when referred driver stays 12 months.
A Note:
Please refer drivers even if you are unsure they will qualify for our program. If a driver doesn't meet the criteria for K & J or if they don't work out once they get here it is not a reflection on you.
Program Rules:
The initial and 6 month bonuses of $500 do not apply to referred driver trainees, but those who refer trainees are eligible for the 12 month bonus.
Payment of the referral bonus will come from the company under which the new driver is hired. If we receive an application from a referred driver we will ask fleet owners if they would like to receive this referral placement knowing that they will be responsible for the bonuses on this driver.
All active K & J drivers and owner operators are eligible to receive K & J Referral Program pay.
To earn initial $500 bonus, referred driver must be hired free and clear with no probationary period. We will pay this bonus out retroactively after completion of their probation.
To earn bonus at 6 and 12 months referred driver must be in good standing.
No driver referral bonus will be earned for referring a rehire (previous K & J Driver).
To earn referral, referred driver must have heard about K & J through the referral and not contacted us outright on their own.
For more information, contact Leslie.
Program is effective as of August 1, 2021 until further notice or cancellation. (K & J reserves the right to modify the program at any time.)
For any questions or feedback, please contact Leslie or Shelley. We would like to thank all of the drivers who have continued to help us grow by referring amazing drivers.