Weekly Update - 04.26.24

Topics Include: Check the back of your trailer before an empty call, Listening Lunch next Friday May 3rd, change to settlements, owner-operator contract season (cell phone change), market update takeaways from broker conference, Bel Brands rate decrease, thank you; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on The CVSA Inspection Blitz


Weekly Update - 04.19.24

Topics Include: Thank you, shop update - use driver website forms, dispatch time off requests - use driver website form, taking parts/fluids from shop, freight update; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?


Weekly Update - 04.12.24

Topics Include: Best Fleets win, Sharon’s birthday, freight market, Shelley did settlements, slow down to save money.


Weekly Update - 04.05.24

Topics Include: Thank you, staff update, Justin & David update, Work comp rate increase, broker tracking info, Tyson updates, meat plant pickups, washouts; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on PC Use


Weekly Update - 03.29.24

Topics Include: Easter, TCA: Carrier struggles, Mr. Wonderful, Cell phone forensics, changes to lease agreements, EFS backup coming, Bel Brands RFP, Tyson bid update, Wells increase, Office moving; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Checking Your Tandems


Weekly Update - 03.22.24

Topics Include: Weather, TCA conference, Pilot meeting, freight update, Dreyer’s bid, Wells bid, dust control plan, lot expansion update, Cayd, EFS outage and backup options; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Driving Angry


Weekly Update - 03.15.24

Topics Include: St. Patrick’s, Deadline for corporate or LLC taxes, Mike Erb joining Dispatch, “Help Me Help You” - set yourself up for dispatch success, freight volume update, Love’s discount trial coming, moving offices next week (diagram coming soon), Kathy update, who to talk to about payroll and settlements, Benson Road construction (may want to avoid and use I-90 instead), Safety compliment; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Truck Stop Etiquette


Weekly Update - 03.08.24

Topics Include: rate & freight update, weather route changes going west contact Mike, padlocking loads, equipment sale update; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Spring Roads


Weekly Update - 03.01.24

Topics Include: Communicate weather concerns with dispatch ASAP, LOAD LOCKS!, make sure sealed loads and bills of lading match, watch for weird appointment times and notify dispatch; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on The SD Truck Driving Championships


Weekly Update - 02.23.24

Topics include: Construction update, communicate with David while Mack’s on vacation, stock up on load locks when in Sioux Falls, remember load locks for US Cold, Wisconsin runs to Texas are increasing; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Housekeeping


Weekly Update - 02.16.24

Topics include: Shelley and Brenda out of office for two weeks, Mack out next week, Listening Lunch moved to 2nd Friday of March, Licensing options to Brenda for 2024-2025, Kathy out of office for 4-5 weeks, Billing/Settlement updates, freight outlook better, Chicago backhauls hard; Seize the Minute on fatigued driving and fog.


Weekly Update - 02.09.24

Topics Include: Kathy, freight outlook, CA freight, weather; Seize the Minute on The Rest of Being a Driver


Weekly Update - 02.02.24

Topics Include: Best Fleets 2024, compliment from a broker, IFTA stickers, truck orders, freight market update, Ruiz update, driver behavior crackdown announcement, speeding conversation, thank you; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Funny Never Have I Evers.


Weekly Update - 01.26.24

Topics Include: Let shop know if you take/refill fluids, weather warnings, don’t speed or run stop signs, be the professionals we know you are, driver lunches next Friday, February 2nd, burger battles downtown, thank you; Seize the Minute on Ice Safety


Weekly Update - 01.19.24

Topics include: winter equipment care, meat plant update, freight update; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on tablets and photos.


Weekly Update - 01.12.24

Topics Include: Accident while running red, winter shut downs, driver communication, office communication, Tobin mechanic night shift, send in all info with paperwork (bills, receipts, etc.), discussion of accident, accident video, Shelley & Brad and Dan & Leslie out next week, Shelley will also be out the following week; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Winter Pre-Trips


Weekly Update - 01.05.24

Topics Include: Truck extension cords no longer provided, please communicate with dispatch, market update - being less picky, truck parking and driver vehicle parking changes, Trailers starting with a 58-; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Winter Driving & Communicating


Weekly Update - 12.29.23

Topics include: Thank you, control what we can, on time deliveries, safe driving, use all of dispatch not just Mike, personal vehicle parking on east side, leave spare keys with June, freight outlook; No Seize the Minute this week.


Weekly Update - 12.22.23

Topics Include: Kari Jo vacation, out of old side of building - enter through new part only, freight update, huge thank you from all of us; Seize the Minute - Merry Christmas!


Weekly Update - 12.15.23

Topics Include: Put load # on all pages of paperwork before turning in, tanker endorsements & practice tests, Christmas expectations, JBS updates, Christmas parking, remodel update & input request, driver appreciation next week; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on picking a lane.


Weekly Update - 12.08.23

Topics Include: Use the “Shop Form” to request truck maintenance prior to arriving in Sioux Falls, why on time delivery is important, stay off new drop pads until next Monday, truck parking moving near driver lounge door, moving into the shop, new driver lounge, new mailboxes, don’t walk through construction zones, driver appreciation week Dec 18-22, paperwork drop off in front office behind dispatch, Dawn is new in the front office, Christmas plans.


Weekly Update - 12.01.23

Topics include: Don Nelson leaving, Mike/Heather role changes, PFG parking on property and freight opportunities, building changes, small insurance rate increase for owner operators.


Weekly Update - 11.24.23

Topics include: Thanks, Tyson 6 weeks on time, Tyson drop times, speeding issues, planning for coming down mountains, SMS score, driver website - (preaching to the choir here, clearly) please use it, tanker endorsements


Weekly Update - 11.17.23

Topics Include: JBS bills signed, Costco/Walmart/Sam’s stickers, get tanker endorsement if you can, new customer lead request, new company driver health insurance options, two new customers: Grant Prairie Foods and American Standard, importance of on time delivery, construction update; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on The Red Light Update


Weekly Video - 11.10.23

Topics Include: Veterans Day, market update, Thanksgiving plans, Christmas & holiday plans & expectations, getting non-SF people home, breaking seals, physical damage insurance, K&J health insurance, insurance for owner operators, moving into the driver lounge, change with JBS bills of lading - MUST SIGN!


Weekly Video - 11.03.23

Topics Include: driver parking, construction update, shower trailer & driver lounge update, liability insurance update, driving behaviors, stopping at the end of Jessica, Jennifer publishing safety data; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on right turns on red


Weekly Update - 10.27.23

Topics Include: Tyson awards, on time deliveries, check with dispatch before taking southern route, drop trailer with 2 load locks AT ALL TIME, don’t call dispatch through the front desk, use 605.977.8484, when to call after hours, MUST INCLUDE WALMART, COSTCO, AND SAMS STICKERS TO BE PAID, thoughts on the future of freight; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Prepping for Winter.


Weekly Update - 10.20.23

Topics Include: Equipment update with Shelley, thank you, weather and freezing loads, load locks, OS & D, Sand for cabinet haulers, new shop area - WEAR HARD HAT & VEST, yard speed limit, yard parking for personal vehicles, on-time deliveries, rerouting for weather, let us help you if you need help; Seize the Minute with Don “DJ” Knowler on Dirty Dozen 2.0


Weekly Update - 10.13.23

Topics include: lot extension, new parking, weather; Seize the Minute with DJ Knowler on Friday the 13th


Weekly Update - 10.06.23

Topics include: walking challenge, winter tires, chains, winter preparedness, routing and lates, BIG speeding issues, freight update, Best Fleets nomination; Seize the Minute with DJ Knowler on SPEEDING.


Weekly Video - 09.29.23

Topics include: parking in yard, walking through construction areas, volume of freight; Seize the Minute on Saving Money in Down Times.


Weekly Video - 09.22.23

Topics Include: PC violations & fines, chains north of fuel island, load locks in fuel island, overweights, deductible changes with no camera or deer guard or repeated accidents of same type, Theron Thompson awarded Driver of the Month, freight update


Weekly Update - 09.15.23

Topics Include: Steak dinners, freight update; No Seize the Minute this week.


Weekly Update - 09.08.23

Topics Include: Benson road update, Jeremy Teas and Skimpy Seaman to represent K&J to FMCSA gathering, Josh Worthington and Mark Beatty to represent K&J for the title of SD Driver of the Year, convention next week; Don “DJ” Knowler with Seize the Minute on Being a Happy Driver


Weekly Update - 09.01.23

Topics Include: Paperwork Deadlines, Labor Day Schedules & Outbound Dispatch, Front Door & Shop Update, Reaction Time Testing, Driver Survey Results